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  • 3D Hausplaner Software Master [Digital]
    3D Hausplaner Software Master [Digital]

    Machen Sie mit der 3D CAD Software den Traum von Ihrem Haus wahr... Würden Sie nicht auch gerne Ihr zukünftiges Zuhause selbst planen und gestalten und vorab bereits einen Blick in Ihr Haus werfen... Dann werden Sie lieben, dass unsere Architektur Software Ihnen all das ermöglicht. Kinderleicht werden Sie Ihren Traum vom Eigenheim planen und Schritt für Schritt visualisieren. So können Sie nicht nur Ihr Haus, sondern auch das Grundstück, die Wohnung und die Inneneinrichtung detailliert zeichnen und sich alles im Programm alles in 3D anschauen. So fühlt es sich an, wie als wären Sie bereits dort gewesen! Ihre Vorteile im Überblick: ✔Genauigkeit bis in kleinste Detail ✔gleichzeitige Planung von mehreren Projekten ✔maßgenaue Ein- und Ausgabe für Grundrisse ✔Professionell und perfekt für die Weitergabe an Dritte ✔Echtzeitvisualisierung und Detailtiefe Wer wir sind: Als Gründer der 3D Hausplaner legen wir besonders viel Wert auf die Zufriedenheit unserer Kunden. Weil wir als erfahrene Architekten wissen, wie schwierig es ist, sein eigenes Haus ohne Vorkenntnisse und auch ohne Hilfe zu designen, bieten wir Ihnen mit dieser Software eine unglaubliche Chance. Mit viel Herzblut und Leidenschaft haben wir diese Software kreiert, damit Sie allen Schwierigkeiten einer Hausplanung aus dem Weg gehen und sich auf das Positive konzentrieren können: dem Design, der Einrichtung und der Visualisierung. Um Ihnen ein bestmögliches Kauferlebnis zu garantieren, achten wir darauf, dass unsere Kunden im Mittelpunkt stehen und mit dem besten Service zusammenarbeiten, den es nur gibt! Kaufen Sie noch heute die Software und setzen Sie direkt Ihren Traum eines perfekten Hauses in die Realität um.

    Preis: 198.00 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Cheating Online Games (Digital Short Cut)
    Cheating Online Games (Digital Short Cut)

    This digital Short Cut, delivered in Adobe PDF format for quick and easy access, is an introduction to issues with cheating and anti-cheating countermeasures in the online gaming industry.   At present, the online game World of Warcraft has approximately six million subscribers worldwide. At any given time, 500,000 people are logged in and playing. And while many of these players log countless hours engaged in the repetitive tasks required to accumulate points and acquire virtual money and tools–an activity called “grinding”–others would rather find a way to speed game-play along. So they cheat.   Some write macros to grind for them while they are doing better things. Others find websites where they can purchase the ill-gotten gains of those macro-writers. Either way, big money is on the line when players cheat. A high rate of cheating upsets the online gaming economy and disrupts game play for everyone. If disgruntled players leave the game, then World of Warcraft’s creator (Blizzard Entertainment) loses real subscribers and real money.   With the stakes so high, it’s not surprising that companies like Blizzard Entertainment take active steps to prevent cheating. But you may be surprised and upset to learn exactly what those measures are and how they might affect your PC. This digital Short Cut will discuss the methods gaming companies use to prevent cheating. You will learn how a program designed for World of Warcraft keeps watch of your game-play by scanning your computer for open processes and collecting information about you. We’ll also show you how to run a program called the Governor to keep watch of the watchers and know exactly what Blizzard Entertainment is doing on your computer.   After reading this Short Cut, you’ll also have a much better understanding of the ethical and technical issues surrounding cheating and be able to make informed decisions about how much you want to grind and how much you want gaming companies to know about you.   Cheating Online Games contains information that will appear in Greg Hoglund and Gary McGraw’s forthcoming book, Exploiting Online Games (ISBN 0132271915), available summer/fall 2007. This Short Cut is fully self-contained and is an excellent place to start learning about technical issues in online gaming.   Cheating Online Games (Digital Short Cut) ·         What This Short Cut Will Cover ·         A Brief History of Cheating ·         Defeating Piracy by Going Online ·         Or Not... ·         The Lawyers Have Landed Bearing EULAs ·         The Rise of MMORPGs ·         The WoW Warden Is Watching ·         Cheating Is Quick and Easy ·         Grinding Is Boring and Dull ·         Farming Makes Things Easy ·         Virtual-World Economics ·         Farming Hurts the Virtual Economy ·         Games as Reality ·         Cracking Down on Farming ·         Online Game, Real-World Cheating ·         Defeating Cheaters and Crossing the Line ·         The Governor Watches the Watcher  

    Preis: 7.48 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Geheim-Codes

    Streng vertraulich! Dieses Zahlen-Geheimversteck ist der sicherste Ort im Kinderzimmer. Kinder von 8 bis 12 Jahren bauen sich mit diesem Forscher-Set ein eigenes Kryptex, das sich von keiner anderen Person knacken lässt. Die farbige Anleitung zeigt ihnen Bild für Bild, worauf sie beim Festlegen des 6-stelligen Codes achten müssen und wie sich die einzelnen Ringe des Kryptex miteinander verbinden lassen. Zahlenkombination vergessen? Keine Sorge, für diesen Fall gibt es einen Notfall-Schlüssel. Welche Geheimschriften und Codes es sonst noch gibt und wie seit Jahrtausenden geheime Botschaften ver- und entschlüsselt werden, erfahren die Kinder in den Info-Ecken der Anleitung. Geheimversteck bauen – Code einstellen – Nachrichten schützen! Inhalt: Bunt illustrierte Anleitung mit spannendem Hintergrundwissen, Bauset aus 16 Teilen, Notfall-Schlüssel, Papierkartonbogen mit Zahlenstreifen, Codierscheibe, 2 Geheimschrift-Karten, 2 Code-Gitter

    Preis: 9.83 € | Versand*: 5.95 €
  • Taguchi Methods and Optimization for Robust Software (Digital Short Cut)
    Taguchi Methods and Optimization for Robust Software (Digital Short Cut)

    The software industry stands on the brink of an era of dramatic change. We expect the industry to continue the restructuring process already begun, emerging as a much smaller number of horizontally structured firms mostly doing business with each other. As software becomes highly "componentized," the industry will begin to resemble the automotive industry, with many small firms making parts, but only a few large ones assembling them into finished products. Software automation in the form of application generation technology will become the norm as system analysts and other domain specialists become the new application programmers, writing in specification languages. Meanwhile, the more talented of today's application programmers will become system programmers, writing the meta-compilers that will transform specification language codes into Java and C application programs.It is still true that new technologies do not replace old technologies, at least not at first; in their infancy, they merely supplement them. Chapters 16, 17, 18 and 19 of the book Design for Trustworthy Software address the transition period during which robust, trustworthy software is still created by current technology and processes as the new technology and its streamlined processes emerge.This short cut is a reproduction of Chapter 17 of Design for Trustworthy Software. It illustrates how Taguchi's quality loss function provides a measure of the overall loss to society when a product fails to meet its target functionality and reliability. It describes howsignal-to-noise ratio measures the positive quality contribution from controllable or design factors versus the negative quality contribution from uncontrollable or noise factors. It presents Taguchi Methods involving seven steps, beginning with a clear statement of thedesign problem and ending with a confirming statisticalexperiment showing how parameter choices will enhance robustness. An example from electrical circuit design is presented, because it is much more similar to software design than mechanical design, where Taguchi Methods have found their largest applications. A more detailed example from software design or product improvement builds on the previous example. Lastly, this short cut describes Taguchi's development and application of an earlier technique involving Latin squares or orthogonal matrices to allow the evaluation on multiple parameters simultaneously. It illustrates how his use of orthogonal matrices permits a multifactorial analysis that is far more efficient than a conventional "bottleneck" analysis, and how it allows the study of factor interactions.This short cut can be used either as an important methodology of trustworthy software design process or as a standalone presentation of Taguchi Methods in software development context.This short cut should be of interest to software and quality professionals. In particular, it should be of value to the CMMI, Six Sigma, and DFSS communities worldwide, especially for those who have acquired or plan to acquire Green Belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt, or similar competencies in various quality management disciplines. It should also be useful resource for students and academics of various programs at senior undergraduate and graduate levels, and for those preparing for American Society for Quality's (ASQ) Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) examination.What This Short Cut Covers 3Introduction 4Taguchi Methods for Robust Software Design 5An Example from Engineering Design 9An Example from Software Design and Development 12Orthogonal Matrices for Taguchi Parameter Design Experiments 16Applications to the Design of Trustworthy Software 19Key Points 19Additional Resources 20Exercises 20Endnotes 21What's in the Book Design for Trustworthy Software 23About the Authors 28The Design for Trustworthy Software Digital Short Cut Compilation 29

    Preis: 7.48 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Woher bezieht Deutschland Bananen?

    Deutschland bezieht Bananen hauptsächlich aus Ländern in Lateinamerika, wie zum Beispiel Ecuador, Costa Rica und Kolumbien. Diese Länder sind aufgrund ihres tropischen Klimas ideal für den Anbau von Bananen. Die Bananen werden meist per Schiff nach Deutschland transportiert, da dies die kostengünstigste und umweltfreundlichste Transportmethode ist. Einige Supermärkte und Unternehmen beziehen auch Fairtrade-Bananen, die unter fairen Bedingungen angebaut und gehandelt werden. Insgesamt ist Deutschland einer der größten Bananenimporteure weltweit.

  • Woher bezieht man Gas?

    Gas kann aus verschiedenen Quellen bezogen werden. Eine Möglichkeit ist die Nutzung von Erdgas, das aus unterirdischen Lagerstätten gewonnen wird. Es kann aber auch aus Biomasse oder durch die Umwandlung von Kohle oder Öl gewonnen werden. Zudem gibt es auch die Möglichkeit, Biogas aus organischen Abfällen oder Klärgas aus Kläranlagen zu gewinnen.

  • Worauf bezieht sich die Frage?

    Die Frage bezieht sich auf die vorherige Aussage oder den vorherigen Kontext. Es ist wichtig, den Zusammenhang zu verstehen, um die Frage angemessen zu beantworten.

  • Woher bezieht Alpro Soja?

    Alpro bezieht sein Soja aus verschiedenen Ländern weltweit, darunter Brasilien, den USA, Kanada und Europa. Das Unternehmen arbeitet eng mit lokalen Bauern und Lieferanten zusammen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Soja nachhaltig angebaut und geerntet wird. Alpro legt großen Wert darauf, dass das Soja gentechnikfrei ist und nach strengen Qualitätsstandards produziert wird. Durch diese sorgfältige Auswahl der Lieferanten kann Alpro hochwertige Sojaprodukte herstellen, die den Bedürfnissen der Verbraucher entsprechen.

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  • Launching a Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS) Initiative (Digital Short Cut)
    Launching a Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS) Initiative (Digital Short Cut)

    This short cut is a reproduction of Chapter 21 of the book Design for Trustworthy Software (DFTS) and is a sequel to Chapters 2, 5, and 20. The Plan, Implement, Control, and Secure (PICS) implementation framework is revisited and its four phases are examined in turn. Building organization-wide competencies to launch and sustain a DFTS initiative is emphasized.The short cut begins with a review of various planning activities and a summary of deliverables. This is followed by a detailed presentation of the two implementation steps that deal with establishing overall learning objectives, designing and customizing learning curricula, providing training for support personnel and Black Belts and Master Black Belts, and the ensuing application of such learning to an actual software development project. Next is a discussion of monitoring and control mechanisms including self-appraisal, successive appraisal, and review of work carried out to date with the customers. This is followed by a discussion of Simon's Levers of Control, namely, belief systems, boundary systems, diagnostic control systems, and interactive control systems, and of important issues related to internal control systems to ensure integrity of data used in strategic control systems. Finally, operational controls involving feedback control systems and project management is presented.A case study of GE's Operating System is introduced as a vehicle to launch a new initiative and enrich it through several yearly cycles. Another case study presents Tata Consultancy Services' quality initiatives and their integration. A brief discussion of application in small software firms and e-cottages is provided. The chapter ends with a brief discussion of the future course of a DFTS initiative.This short cut can be used either as a methodology in deploying the DFTS initiative or as a standalone presentation on launching major organizational initiatives.This short cut should be of interest to software and quality professionals. In particular, it should be of value to the CMMI, Six Sigma, and DFSS communities worldwide, especially those who have acquired or plan to acquire Green Belt, Black Belt, Master Black Belt, or similar competencies in various quality management disciplines. It should also be useful resource for students and academic of various programs at senior undergraduate and graduate levels, and for those preparing for American Society for Quality's (ASQ) Certified Software Quality Engineer (CSQE) examination.What This Short Cut Covers 3Introduction 4DFTS and the PICS Framework 5Plan 6Implement 7Control 16Secure 27Application in Small Software Firms and e-Cottages 36What's Next? 37Key Points 37Additional Resources 40Internet Exercises 40Review Questions 41Discussion Questions 41Endnotes 42What's in the Book Design for Trustworthy Software 44About the Authors 49The Design for Trustworthy Software Digital Short Cut Compilation 50

    Preis: 7.48 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Keys Vizag
    Keys Vizag

    Preis: 49 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
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  • Woher bezieht Deutschland sein Tropenholz?

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    Ohne weitere Informationen kann ich nicht sagen, worauf sich "folgendes" bezieht. Bitte geben Sie mehr Kontext, damit ich Ihnen eine angemessene Antwort geben kann.

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